After the specified time delay, the code inside setTimeout() function will execute. After that, the next statement will be executed and then the call stack becomes empty. The for loop will terminate once becomes equal to 6. So, for every iteration of for loop, the setTimeout() function will store the code. The reason for this is because the setTimeout() function stores the code with the references of data used(in this case i) and it will be executed only after the call stack is empty. It is expected that the output will be “Printed immediately” followed by numbers from 1 to 5. The example code given below is a tricky one. Therefore, the code above displays “Printed immediately”, then waits for 3 seconds, and then “Printed after 3 seconds” is displayed.Įxample 2: Another example of setTimeout() function is given below. After the call stack is empty and the specified time has passed, the code inside setTimeout() function will be executed.
How to get character array from string in JavaScript?Įxplanation: In the above code, the code inside setTimeout() function will be stored and the next statement will be executed.Remove elements from a JavaScript Array.

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