To create an option, click the “+” button at the bottom of the screen and use the drop menus to customize it. This tab lets you choose the compression and extraction options that will appear on the app’s menu. The first thing you’ll want to do is open the “Presets” tab in the preferences window.
Here is a wrap-up video of how to get the most out of it: With a presets menu that you can shape according to your needs and an unobtrusive design, you’ll be handling archived files faster than ever before. This slick compression client like gives you a peek into zipped files before you open them, lets you handle common and obscure file types, and lets you encrypt your own files for an added layer of security. How to compress files and manage archives with BetterZip Not only does it integrate into your finder interface for maximum convenience, it also allows you to customize its unzip options, ensuring that you get what you need from it every time.
BetterZip is a clear Editors' Choice for Mac OS utilities.BetterZip makes compressing and unzipping files on a Mac easier than ever. Still, I've never found anything better, and, now that I've bought BetterZip, it's paid for itself many times over with its time-saving conveniences.

I myself hesitated before buying it, hoping to find a freeware alternative. Yes, BetterZip seems expensive for a utility that should have been built into the OS-though it's hardly macitbetter's fault that Apple ZIP management is weak. The QuickLook plugin won't let you preview or extract individual files, as BetterZip itself can, but it's ideal for-you guessed it-a quick look inside any archive. Without it, QuickLook displays merely a generic icon.
Take a Better Peek Even if you don't use BetterZip itself, you can use the same vendor's free QuickLook generator for ZIP archives (downloadable from With this QuickLook plugin installed, OS X's QuickLook displays a hierarchical list of the files inside an archive.
For example, another built-in preset lets you save an archive in the open-source 7z format, complete with a password and strong AES-256 encryption, a much stronger level of security than standard ZIP encryption. BetterZip fixes this problem by including an option to "Save Without Mac Stuff." This option is one of BetterZip's built-in "presets," which are essentially a set of specifications for creating and saving different kinds of archives. This Mac-specific information isn't visible to a Mac user who opens a Mac-created archive, but when a Windows user opens the same archive, it looks as if it's cluttered with junk files, and the files that you actually want are hidden inside a sub-folder in the archive. As you'd expect, I can also delete files from an archive and rename them.Ĭreating Archives By default, both OS X itself and BetterZip create ZIP archives with Mac-specific information in them so that the OS X Finder knows how to display and open the included files. And by dragging a file into that pane from anywhere else in OS X, I can add files to an existing archive. By selecting files in the central file-list pane I can extract one or more files anywhere I want, or control-click on the file and use an Open With option to open it with any program I want, just as I can in the OS X Finder. On the left is a Favorites pane, with a tree-structured list of folders that I've added to that pane because I tend to store archives in them (for example, my Downloads folder). On the right is a preview pane showing the content of the file selected in the file list. At the center is a tree-structured list of files in the archive itself.

Interface When I open a ZIP archive in BetterZip, I see a three-pane display. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.